Personal Significance: A Foundational Element of a Learning Architecture to Enable Learners to Co-Create Work Realities Within a New World of Work

Personal Significance: A Foundational Element of a Learning Architecture to Enable Learners to Co-Create Work Realities Within a New World of Work

In this dissertation, the researcher presents an opportunity for developing an understanding of the role that personal significance plays within the emergent properties of a learning process. Personal significance is presented as a foundational element of a learning architecture that Continue reading

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The Influence of Regulatory Frameworks on Marketing Strategies Within the South African Life Insurance Industry: A South African Case Study

The Influence of Regulatory Frameworks on Marketing Strategies Within the South African Life Insurance Industry: A South African Case Study

The financial crisis of 2008 was, amongst other economic factors, brought about by unscrupulous and over-confident lending practices by financial institutions and overzealous lenders. The effects of these behaviours were magnified by a lack of regulation and management discipline and Continue reading

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Behavioural Preferences of School Leaders and the Influence of These on Learning And Develop During Coaching Within a Leadership Programme

Behavioural Preferences of School Leaders and the Influence of These on Learning And Develop During Coaching Within a Leadership Programme

Effective leadership is critical for schools to thrive, develop, learn and survive, especially in pressurised educational environments of high stress, conflict and high rates of change. It is particularly challenging for school leaders working in communities of high poverty, where Continue reading

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